full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Caroline Harper: What if we eliminated one of the world's oldest diseases?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

And you may ask me, "Well, does this strategy actually work?" Yes, it does. This map shows you the pogrerss that we've made to date. The green countries believe they've already eliminated trachoma, and they have either been through or are in the process of having that vadatlied by the WHO. Countries in yellow have the money they need, they have the resources to enltiaime trachoma. And some of them are really nearly there. But the red cuternios, they don't have enough funding. They cannot eliminate trachoma unless they get more. And we're quite concerned, though, that the progress to date may stall.

Open Cloze

And you may ask me, "Well, does this strategy actually work?" Yes, it does. This map shows you the ________ that we've made to date. The green countries believe they've already eliminated trachoma, and they have either been through or are in the process of having that _________ by the WHO. Countries in yellow have the money they need, they have the resources to _________ trachoma. And some of them are really nearly there. But the red _________, they don't have enough funding. They cannot eliminate trachoma unless they get more. And we're quite concerned, though, that the progress to date may stall.


  1. eliminate
  2. countries
  3. progress
  4. validated

Original Text

And you may ask me, "Well, does this strategy actually work?" Yes, it does. This map shows you the progress that we've made to date. The green countries believe they've already eliminated trachoma, and they have either been through or are in the process of having that validated by the WHO. Countries in yellow have the money they need, they have the resources to eliminate trachoma. And some of them are really nearly there. But the red countries, they don't have enough funding. They cannot eliminate trachoma unless they get more. And we're quite concerned, though, that the progress to date may stall.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
million people 3
eliminate trachoma 3

Important Words

  1. concerned
  2. countries
  3. date
  4. eliminate
  5. eliminated
  6. funding
  7. green
  8. map
  9. money
  10. process
  11. progress
  12. red
  13. resources
  14. shows
  15. stall
  16. strategy
  17. trachoma
  18. validated
  19. work
  20. yellow